Analyse API

All analyse Api are synchronous

Client requests Trident for risk analysis.

In synchronous call all the inputs/datapoints related to the transaction must be sent to Trident in a single request.

Request fields must be “Async = False” and “Lastdrop = true”.


Request TypeAsync ValueLastDrop ValueTrident Response
Analyze RequestAsync = FalseLastDrop = TrueRisk Score
Update Transaction Status MessageNANAAcknowledgement

  1. Client requests the risk analysis from Trident
  2. Client depends on risk analysis for decision making regarding the transaction.
  3. The data field in the request ‘Async=false’.
  4. Client waits for a preconfigured time, for the risk score.
  5. Trident evaluates the transaction by running it through the configured rules and analyzes the risk.
  6. Trident sends the risk analysis result to the Client in the response message.
  7. Client sends the transaction status as feedback to Trident.
  8. Trident acknowledges the feedback from the Client


The Analyze API involves the following API calls: