Wallet Issuance
This section covers the list of API's to create wallet. KYC is mandatory to create a wallet.
KYC to create a wallet can be of:
- Bank Customer KYC
- Non-Bank Customer KYC - MIN KYC
- Non-Bank Customer KYC - EKYC

- User Identification: To identify the user type whether the use is a Bank Customer or a Non Bank Customer, refer to Fetch Beneficiary API.
- Bank Customer KYC
- To validate the Bank Customer KYC refer Verify Bank KYC API.
- To fetch the cards linked with Bank account, refer to Fetch Bank Cards API
- Non - Bank Customer KYC: There 2 ways to complete non - bank customer KYC:
- OVD (Officially Valid Documents)
- Aadhar KYC
- To fetch the available OVDs, refer to Fetch KYC Documents API.
- To validate the entered OVD number by user, refer to Update KYC Details API
Aadhar KYC / eKYC APIs
- Validate the aadhar number entered by using the Verify Aadhar API
- Validate the OTP number received for Aadhar using the Verify Aadhar OTP API
- Confirm the profile details fetched from UIDAI using the Verify EKYC API
- Resend OTP in case of expiry using the Verify Resend OTP API
Wallet APIs
The below section covers the list of APIs to create Wallet
- Wallet Status: To check the wallet status of the user, whether the wallet is created and the details of the user or not refer Fetch Details API.
- Wallet Creation Feature
- To create wallet, refer to Create API
- To display the details of the wallet like CVV, refer to CVV API
- To display the balance of the wallet, refer to Balance API
- To request for wallet statement, refer to Fetch Wallet Statement API
Updated 5 months ago