Below flow explains the details of API integration between Trident and the System that request the risk analysis
Trident services are exposed as REST API calls to any Client.The API requests/responses are sent via HTTPS POST.
The messages exchanged between Client components and Trident are in the JSON data interchange format.
3DS 2.0 Integration

3DS1.0 Visa/Mastercard Flow

Rupay-Paysecure Flow

- ACS/IAS requests Trident for transaction evaluation by consuming Analyze API. It is an asynchronous request with details of Bank, transaction channel and User.
• Trident receives the transaction data. It generates the client ID unique for every transaction and sends it to client in the response.
• The transaction data can be sent to Trident in single or multiple calls to Trident. - Analyze request is sent with full transaction data to Trident.
• Trident receives the transaction data and responds with client ID of that transaction. - After preconfigured time client requests Trident for the risk score consuming the Result API with the Client ID for identification of that transaction.
• Trident evaluates the transaction data by running it through the applied rules and determines the risk score and a suggestion is recommended.
• Trident responds with the risk score. - ACS/IAS sends the feedback by consuming the Update Txn Status API to update the transaction status to Trident and receives the acknowledgement from Trident in the response message
Updated 5 months ago