Encrypt API for Change Wallet Status

The Encrypt API request parameters varies based on the API with which it is used for. This section describes the Encrypt API used with Change Wallet Status API.

ProductionContact your WIBMO KAM or support.
Sample request
curl --request POST \
     --url https://payusandbox-kong.pc.enstage-sas.com/api/v2/encrypt \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'x-api-key: 4A02C4267C9A97A1488AB3259FD1A725' \
     --data '
  "messageCode": 3530,
  "clientTxnId": "CBL-458",
  "requestDateTime": "20161011221416",
  "accountNumber": "606030003007693",
  "statusType": "Active",
  "reserved1": "Block",
  "reserved2": "changed to Active"
Sample response
  "token": "VD7M7y2rR8+acZCJg2QHFDZ64EWbRiAXvobbauBVlydw0ueHsFHqnBM5BeODp68mdapXgXkHh/8twzh37WPckF58m7r+jsn2iVDqas9b/MatZVuv5n9o8ILz3cSjgrYPm5I0VvDrH7HspN5QZGMmMu81SE7w4JH2naeNdZXSIREPTazScQCjmq3uWbGr5vMe9+yjcf+loJhVvTR/mGh1KHcM9BsytuNTWFy6b7J4a83f9BCkPNzcu3axfKaDI4MkIrDyPbWJNftyvqrYP0bRTw=="

Request parameters

Status Types

ActiveWallet is in the active state, it can used for all sorts of transactions.
CustomWallet will be Custom Blocked (partial transactions will be allowed)

Cashback and refund can be received.
Load can be blocked while unload may work or vice versa.
TemporaryWallet will be Temporary Blocked (No transactions will be permitted)
PermanentWallet will be permanently blocked
ClosedWallet will be closed
DebitAll debits from the wallet will be temporarily blocked
CreditAll credits to the wallet will be temporarily blocked
CreditDebitAll Credits and Debits will not be allowed, except system reversal credits and debits.
DormantWallet will be in a dormant state. (same as temporary blocked)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!