Fetch Specific Request API

The Fetch Specific Request API is to get all the required data of a dispute service request with the provided service request id. If the request is successful, this API shares all the general details needed by a customer to view the service created by them in the response.

Response parameters
ParameterTypeParameter RequirementDescription
responseDateTimenumeric(14)MandatoryResponse date time in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with time in 24-hour format
urnnumeric (12)MandatoryUnique Identifier of a card also known as reference number
cardNumbernumeric (16)MandatoryCard number.
ServiceRequestNonumeric (20)MandatorySR number
serviceRequestStatusstring (100)MandatoryThe current status of the service will be shared
txnDateTimenumeric (14)MandatoryTimestamp of the transaction
transactionIdnumeric (50)MandatoryA Unique ID of the transaction for which the dispute is to be raised
merchantNameString (100)MandatoryThe Merchant name of the transaction
txnAmountNumeric (50)MandatoryTransaction amount for which this dispute has to be raised. This will be as implied decimal
disputeReasonString(100)MandatoryThe dispute reason which is predefined and selected by the user
disputeCommentString(1000)MandatoryThe comment of the maker for the dispute, giving it’s detailed description
currentStatusString(50)MandatoryThe current status of the it was updated last time
MandatoryTimestamp of the request creation date time
lastModifyDatenumeric (14)MandatoryTimestamp of the last modified date time
createdByString(50)MandatoryThe user description by whom the service request was created
responseMessageString (15)MandatoryResponse message based on the response code.
responseCodeString (100)MandatoryRepresents the status of the transaction.
statusString(50)MandatoryThe status of every audit to which it was updated every time
operationCommentString(100)OptionalThe comment from the bank operations team of every time when the service request was updated
bankIdNumeric(4)MandatoryBank Id is provided by Platform to identify issuer/PPI of the program.
internalCommentString(100)MandatoryThe internal comment from the bank operations team of every time when the service request was updated
updatedOnnumeric (14)MandatoryTimestamp of the last modified date time
lastModifyByString(50)MandatoryUser id of the last modified by
Sample response
    "responseCode": "00",
    "responseMessage": "Success",
    "responseDateTime": "12-12-2023 16:23:52",
    "bankId": 6010,
    "serviceRequest": {
        "serviceRequestNo": 100,
        "currentStatus": "OPEN",
        "txnDateTime": "2023-12-20 06:30:00",
        "transactionId": "44022",
        "merchantName": "Kee",
        "txnAmount": "1000.50",
        "urn": 70000000996,
        "createdBy": "admin",
        "disputeReason": "I have been billed multiple times for the
        same transaction",
        "disputeComment": "Testing",
        "createdDateTime": "2023-12-12 10:52:44",
        "csrFileName": "NA",
        "lastModifyBy": "NA",
        "requestSource": "CSR"

Request parameters

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!