Transactions Callback Notifications Webhook

This section describes how to create transaction webhooks for the transactional notifications to be captured at their end. This callback is to be used to capture the transaction notifications made via the APIs like load and unload.


API / webhooks headers

ParameterTypeParameter RequirementDescription
X-Consumer-Custom-IDstring (15)MandatoryThis is the unique key to be shared with the client by Wibmo for the API environment exposure.
clientIdstring (15)MandatoryThis is the Unique ID for the client to be shared by Wibmo.
bankIdNumeric (4)MandatoryUnique ID to identify the issuer bank. Wibmo to share.

6060 - in case PayU is the issuer
entityIdNumeric (4)OptionalChild corporate/branch entity ID under the client. If not passed, it will default to the client's parent branch.

Request Parameters

ParameterTypeParameter RequirementDescriptionSample value
customerIdstring (50)MandatoryUnique customer ID for the customer in the Prepaid and client system.HRM0054454
urnstring (20)MandatoryUnique reference number for the customer.10000333
prepaidTransactionIdstring (50)MandatoryUnique transaction ID at Prepaid.128989999921
transactionTypestring (10)MandatoryType of transaction.CR/DR
transactionNarrationstring (100)OptionalTransaction narration, if any.Test Transaction
transactionAmountLongMandatoryAmount in implied decimals. E.g. INR100 will be 1000010000
transactionDateTimestring (15)MandatoryTimestamps in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with time in 24-hour format.20240629215049
transactionStatusstring (10)MandatoryStatus of the transaction.Success
additionalInfostring (100)OptionalAdditional info, if any.Demo transaction
transactionClosingBalanceLongOptionalClosing balance of the wallet.2693300
implIdstring (20)OptionalIMPL ID that is applicable to the transaction.

Refer to the IMPL ID section in this document for more info.
implTypestring (20)OptionalIMPL ID typeP2M1_W2A_O_UPI

Sample request

	"customerId": "000000000169",
	"urn": "10000333"
	"prepaidTransactionId": "1596725",
	"transactionType": "DR",
	"transactionNarration": "Test transaction",
	"transactionAmount": 5000,
	"transactionDateTime": "20240629215049",
	"transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
	"additionalInfo": "Demo transaction",
	"transactionClosingBalance": 2693300,
	"implId": "O|70161",
	"implType": "P2M1_W2A_O_UPI",

Response codes

Response Only API acknowledgement will be required for this webhook notification.

HTTP Status CodeHTTP Status Description
400Bad Request
404Not Found
500Internal Server Error
503Service Unavailable